Monday, March 4, 2019

Health is wealth becuse mind is everytime happy--😃😃😃😃😃😃

Health about know you that is load power of god ........ then next artical its explane health .. new think about your and ours health.. you happy then addmosfear haappiness ...😃😃😃😃😃😃😃

Monday, September 24, 2018

Clean Atmosphere and Healthy mind

                     Clean Atmosphere and Healthy mind                                                

                AVOID INHARMONIOUS STATES OF MIND:-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The vices like anger, worry, jealousy, greed, etc. Are the inharmonious states of  mind.  They disturb the peace of mind cause different types of disease. So in order to have good health, we should keep our mind free from such evil thoughts. Joyful and loving thoughts develop a power in us which definitely prolongs our life.                                                                                                                                                                          

Sunday, September 23, 2018


                                                                                                                                                                                            A Good health is the blessing of God. However, it is also in the hands of man to have a good health. So most popular writer- JAMES ALLEN gives us some tips which are of a great help in keeping and maintaining good health.                                                                                                                                                
          Man falls sick due to his own errors or sins. disease comes to those who attract it. As soon as we realise the cause of disease, we avoid it and get good health. So, if we went to be healthy, we should find out the cause the disease. Following are some of the cause of the disease and way to avoid them: 
                      Image result for secret health                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1-MENTAL AND PHYSICAL WEAKNESS:-
                                                                        If our mind                          and body are weak, they attract disease and we fall ill. So, if we want to be healthy, we should have positive thinking power. It develops in ourselves a new vigour which influences life and promotes heath.                                  

How does poor sleep affect our ability to learn?

                Image result for sleeping                         HEALTH  TIPS                                                                                                                          The Most of us know that a good night's sleep is key for happiness and productivity, and that conversely, a night of poor sleep can have negative effects on our performance during the day. But a new study manages to find precisely the brain area responsible for learning new skills and shows how it can be affected by poor sleep quality.

Manipulating the motor cortex during deep sleep

The study involved six women and seven men who were asked to perform motoric tasks during the day following a night of unperturbed sleep, and after a night during which their deep sleep had been disturbed.
The tasks involved learning a series of finger movements, and the researchers were able to locate precisely the brain area responsible for learning movement.
Using an electroencephalogram, the researchers monitored the brain activity of the participants while they were sleeping.
On the first day of the experiment - after the first movement learning session - the participants were able to sleep without disturbance.
On the second night, however, the researchers manipulated the participants' sleep quality. They were able to focus on the motor cortex and disrupt their deep sleep, thus investigating the impact that poor sleep has on the neuroplasticity involved in practicing new movements.

The participants did not know that their deep sleep phase had been tampered with. To them, the quality of their sleep was roughly the same on both occasions.                                                                                                                                          GOOD NATURE FOR GOOD HEALTH



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Image result for health tips in hindi

Image result for health tips in hindi health  is good life...